Not just customers, but devoted followers passionate about your brand. This, without a doubt, is every business owner's dream. The truth is, these types of customers are not bought, they are won with a quality product and great service. And when they come together, they become a powerful weapon for any marketing strategy.
Word-of-mouth advertising is an effective way to promote your business, and the internet is one place where this happens easily. That's where themed Facebook groups come in - a unique feature that sets the most popular social network apart from its competitors.
All of us feel the need to belong, and the digital times we live in make it possible to bring that urge online. With a solid dose of patience, a dash of creativity, and a little effort, you can bring together people who have common interests related to your products.
Today, we'll give you ten practical tips on how to use Facebook groups to build a business community and reap the abundant fruits of customer love.
Each group needs a clearly defined topic and rules for the discussion to flow in a civil and cultural manner. If you don't want people following your members who don't have relevant interests, make them answer certain questions as a condition of joining. This is an important step towards preventing spam content.
Of course, it's important for every group to have moderators to make sure the rules are followed. Who they should be is up to you. In the beginning it could be members of your team, but as time goes on and the community grows , it would be great to choose your most passionate fans to support with something in return, like a discount or a gift.
It is important that the discussions in the group are led by its members, but it is a good idea to join in with topics of your choice that are relevant to your business. This will make the group more lively, which helps its growth.
Try not to go overboard with promotional content to avoid boring your audience. Promote your products cleverly by starting discussions on related topics, but always try to ensure that your posts add value to the group members.
Schedule a live Q&A session where you'll answer customer questions or just communicate that you're there, following the discussion, and jump in promptly when someone wants to ask something.
Along those lines, if you decide to use the group as part of your customer service, you won't go wrong. Questions and answers to all members implies transparency and honesty in communication that will be appreciated by your followers.
Livestreams are a great way to get users' attention on social media. It's a good idea to try exclusive footage of your workflow. Show the human face of your brand and tell a funny story - that's how you'll win the sympathy of your group members.
Photos of your products or text posts with opinions and questions are all options for content to prompt group members to create.
For example, if you're a culinary magazine or offer cooking products, users can post photos of dishes made with your recipes or products.
If you offer accessories for children, build a community of parents to share experiences - they are an invaluable audience, but also one that values honesty and transparency in a brand. These qualities were mentioned above - cultivate them through group communication and you won't go wrong.
If you want to find out more about group members or ask their opinion on a new product, drop them a questionnaire or survey. In return for the valuable information you will receive you can offer them a gift in the form of samples or a discount promo code.
Show them that their opinion is valuable and that you listen to it. Ask them what content they would like to see in the group, what they think of your latest product and what colours they prefer.
Another option is to gather information about their demographics and interests that you can use to create and update your buyer profile, which is paramount to any marketing strategy.
Make them feel special by giving them exclusive discounts. That way, not only will you encourage them to buy from you, but they'll likely tell their friends about the positives of being a part of your community.
When launching a new product or campaign, give people in the group early access by communicating your offer 2-3 days earlier than the official launch. This way, they'll feel the positive effect of their membership and are more likely to follow the group regularly so they don't miss out on similar offers in the future.
In the group you can post tips on using the products you offer, as well as other useful information related to them.
Make it interesting - give members new ideas on how to enjoy what you're selling or tell them about and show them details of the production process.
Influencer campaigns are always a good idea, whether you have your own Facebook group or not.
Include your audience's favorite faces in the group where they can post content using your products. Or do a collaborative exclusive live Q&A session available only to group members.
The most important thing for a Facebook group is to promote it. The ideas we give you above add enough value for your users to feel that your business community is worth sharing with their friends.
To increase traffic to your group, you can put links to your group on your Facebook page, website, newsletters, welcome emails after registration, or order confirmation ones.
Facebook groups are a valuable tool through which you can cultivate dedicated ambassadors for your business. Take advantage, and if you need help building a successful Facebook strategy, contact us, ADvantage Digital Agency, for a consultation.